meliodas tattoo meaning

Discover the Intricate Meliodas Tattoo Meaning



Meliodas’ tattoo in The Seven Deadly Sins holds a profound meaning, representing more than just a mere drawing on his skin. It symbolizes the bond between Meliodas and Elizabeth, two star-crossed lovers entangled in a complex web of destiny. This tattoo serves as a physical manifestation of their connection and plays a pivotal role in the series.

Key Takeaways:

  • Meliodas’ tattoo represents the deep bond between him and Elizabeth.
  • The tattoo reflects Meliodas’ association with the sin of Wrath and other sins he has committed.
  • Meliodas’ trustworthiness is reflected in his interactions with other characters and his tattoo.
  • The design and style of Meliodas’ tattoo contribute to its overall symbolism.
  • The tattoos of other characters in The Seven Deadly Sins also hold significant meanings.

The Bond Between Meliodas and Elizabeth

The tattoo on Meliodas’ upper arm or shoulder serves as a physical representation of the special bond he shares with Elizabeth and the Seven Deadly Sins. In The Seven Deadly Sins series, Meliodas and Elizabeth are depicted as star-crossed lovers, destined to face numerous challenges and obstacles. The tattoo symbolizes their connection and the unbreakable bond they share.

Meliodas, the main protagonist of the series, is often referred to as the Dragon’s Sin of Wrath, and his tattoo showcases this association. The tattoo itself is characterized by its intricate design, featuring a dragon wrapped around a broken sword. This design not only represents Meliodas’ sin of Wrath but also symbolizes his past and the struggles he has faced.

Furthermore, Meliodas’ tattoo also serves as a reminder of his demon mark, a curse that brings him immense power but also carries a heavy burden. The mark of a demon is prominently displayed on his forehead, complementing the design of his tattoo and emphasizing his complex nature as a character.

It is worth noting that Meliodas’ tattoo is not the only one with symbolic meaning in The Seven Deadly Sins series. Elizabeth and the other members of the Seven Deadly Sins also bear tattoos that hold significant importance. These tattoos depict various sins and serve as visual representations of the characters’ past and the challenges they have overcome.

The Boar’s Sin of GluttonyMerlinGluttony
The Fox’s Sin of GreedKingGreed
The Grizzly’s Sin of SlothDianeSloth

The symbolism present in these tattoos adds depth to the narrative and helps to establish a cohesive and immersive world within The Seven Deadly Sins. Fans of the series often find inspiration in these tattoos, with many choosing to honor their favorite characters by getting similar designs as tattoos of their own.

The Sins of Meliodas

As the embodiment of Wrath, Meliodas’ tattoo symbolizes his connection to the sin and the consequences it brings. The intricate design of his tattoo reflects the complexity of his character and the weight of his past actions. It serves as a constant reminder of the sins he has committed and the burden he carries.

Throughout the series, Meliodas’ tattoo evolves and changes, mirroring his journey and growth as a character. It is a visual representation of his struggles, both internal and external. The tattoo amplifies his power, but also serves as a curse. It is a mark of his past and a constant reminder of the darkness within him.

The significance of Meliodas’ tattoo goes beyond its physical appearance. It represents his commitment to atone for his sins and protect those he holds dear. Despite his flaws, Meliodas is driven by a sense of justice and a desire to make amends. His tattoo is a symbol of his ongoing redemption and his determination to break free from the chains of his past.

The Power Symbolized by Meliodas’ Tattoo

Meliodas’ tattoo not only represents his connection to the sin of Wrath, but it also symbolizes his immense power. As the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas possesses incredible strength and abilities that are enhanced by his tattoo. The mark on his body is a manifestation of his power, serving as a visible reminder of his formidable abilities.

The tattoo is a source of both strength and vulnerability for Meliodas. It grants him immense power, but it also attracts the attention of his enemies. Throughout the series, Meliodas must grapple with the consequences of his power and the constant threat it poses to those around him. His tattoo serves as a constant reminder of the responsibility he carries as the embodiment of Wrath.

Overall, Meliodas’ tattoo is a powerful symbol that represents his connection to the sin of Wrath, the consequences of his actions, and the immense power he possesses. It serves as a visual reminder of his past, his ongoing redemption, and his commitment to protect those he cares about. The intricacies of his tattoo design and the symbolism it holds add depth to his character, making him a compelling and complex protagonist in The Seven Deadly Sins.

Tattoo SymbolMeaning
Dragon’s Sin of WrathRepresents Meliodas’ connection to the sin of Wrath and his immense power.
Curse MarkA constant reminder of the dark consequences of Meliodas’ sins.
Power SymbolReflects the strength and abilities bestowed upon Meliodas by his tattoo.

Meliodas’ Relationships and Trustworthiness

Meliodas’ tattoo serves as a reminder of his complicated relationships and his struggle to be a trustworthy individual. Throughout the anime and manga series The Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas is depicted as a character with deep connections to others. His tattoo, the symbol of the Dragon’s Sin of Wrath, is a physical representation of his sins and the burdens he carries.

Despite his sins, Meliodas is not always a trustworthy person. He is known for being cunning and manipulative, using his powers and charm to achieve his goals. However, underneath his tough exterior, Meliodas cares deeply for those around him, especially Elizabeth, the love of his life. Their bond is symbolized by the tattoo, representing their star-crossed love affair and the obstacles they face together.

In The Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas is not the only character with a meaningful tattoo. The other members of the Seven Deadly Sins, as well as Elizabeth, also bear tattoos that hold significant symbolism. These tattoos can be seen as a mark of their identity and their commitment to the group’s mission.

CharacterTattoo Symbolism
MeliodasDragon’s Sin of Wrath
BanFox’s Sin of Greed
KingGrizzly’s Sin of Sloth
DianeSerpent’s Sin of Envy
GowtherGoat’s Sin of Lust
MerlinBoar’s Sin of Gluttony
EscanorLion’s Sin of Pride
ElizabethGoddess’ Mark

The tattoos in The Seven Deadly Sins can be portrayed in various styles, representing the individuality of each character. Fans of the series often choose to get tattoos inspired by these symbols, with the Dragon’s Sin of Wrath symbol being a popular choice.

In conclusion, Meliodas’ tattoo represents more than just a design on his skin. It serves as a visual reminder of his complicated relationships, his sins, and his ongoing struggle to be a trustworthy individual. The tattoos of the other characters in The Seven Deadly Sins also hold symbolic meanings, further enhancing the depth and richness of the series.

Symbolism in Design and Style

Meliodas’ tattoo can be depicted in various artistic styles, each capturing different aspects of its symbolism and the Seven Deadly Sins. The design of the tattoo often incorporates intricate details and meaningful symbols that represent Meliodas’ character and his connection to the sins he embodies.

One popular artistic style used to portray Meliodas’ tattoo is black and gray. This style emphasizes the contrast between light and dark, symbolizing the duality of Meliodas’ nature as both a hero and a sinner. The shading and fine line work in black and gray tattoos help to bring out the details of the design, creating a visually striking image.

Another style that is frequently used is full color. This style allows for vibrant hues and bold color choices, bringing the tattoo to life. The colors used in the tattoo can hold symbolic meanings, such as red representing passion and blue representing loyalty. The use of vibrant colors adds depth to the design and enhances its overall impact.

In addition to these styles, realism and simplified designs are also popular choices for Meliodas’ tattoo. Realism captures every intricate detail, creating a lifelike representation of the tattoo. On the other hand, simplified designs focus on the essential elements of the tattoo, using bold lines and minimalistic aesthetics to convey its symbolism.

Artistic StylesDescription
Black and GrayThis style emphasizes contrast and uses shading and fine line work to bring out the details of the design.
Full ColorThis style uses vibrant hues and bold color choices to bring the tattoo to life, adding depth and symbolism.
RealismThis style captures every intricate detail, creating a lifelike representation of the tattoo.
Simplified DesignsThis style focuses on the essential elements of the tattoo, using bold lines and minimalistic aesthetics to convey its symbolism.

Overall, the artistic style chosen to depict Meliodas’ tattoo plays a significant role in conveying its meaning and symbolism. Whether it’s through the use of black and gray, full color, realism, or simplified designs, each style captures different aspects of Meliodas’ character and the Seven Deadly Sins, creating a visually captivating representation of the tattoo.

Tattoos of the Seven Deadly Sins Characters

Meliodas is not the only character in The Seven Deadly Sins with a tattoo that holds symbolic meaning – each of the sins has their own unique mark. These tattoos serve as visual representations of the sins they embody, adding depth to their characters and stories. From the fiery symbol of wrath to the enigmatic mark of lust, these tattoos are an important aspect of the series’ world-building.

Let’s take a closer look at the tattoos of each sin:

  • Dragon’s Sin of Wrath (Meliodas): As the main character, Meliodas bears the mark of wrath. His tattoo resembles a dragon and is often depicted on his left forearm. The dragon symbolizes his immense power and his ability to unleash great destruction when provoked.
  • Serpent’s Sin of Envy (Diane): Diane’s tattoo represents envy and is situated on her left thigh. It depicts a coiled serpent, symbolizing her longing for things she cannot possess and her desire for what others have.
  • Fox’s Sin of Greed (Ban): Ban’s tattoo of greed is found on his upper back. It features a fox motif, representing his insatiable hunger for immortality and his tendency to hoard material possessions.
  • Grizzly’s Sin of Sloth (King): King’s tattoo symbolizes sloth and is located on his left shoulder. It depicts a grizzly bear, illustrating his laid-back and carefree nature, as well as his reluctance to take action.
  • Lion’s Sin of Pride (Escanor): Escanor’s tattoo of pride adorns his back. It showcases a proud lion, signifying his overwhelming arrogance and his unwavering belief in his own strength.
  • Boar’s Sin of Gluttony (Merlin): Merlin’s tattoo represents gluttony and is situated on her right thigh. It displays a boar, symbolizing her desire for knowledge and power, as well as her insatiable appetite for both.
  • Snake’s Sin of Lust (Gowther): Gowther’s tattoo of lust is located on his left eye socket. It portrays a snake, representing his obsession with emotions and his drive to understand human desires and relationships.

These tattoos, with their varied designs and placements, not only add visual flair to the characters but also provide insight into their personalities and flaws. They serve as reminders of the burdens they bear and the sins they must confront.

SinTattoo DesignTattoo Placement
Wrath (Meliodas)DragonLeft forearm
Envy (Diane)SerpentLeft thigh
Greed (Ban)FoxUpper back
Sloth (King)Grizzly bearLeft shoulder
Pride (Escanor)LionBack
Gluttony (Merlin)BoarRight thigh
Lust (Gowther)SnakeLeft eye socket

Whether it’s Meliodas’ symbol of wrath or Gowther’s mark of lust, the tattoos of The Seven Deadly Sins characters play a significant role in shaping their identities. They not only add visual interest to the series but also serve as powerful symbols of their respective sins, enhancing the depth and complexity of the story.


Meliodas’ tattoo is not merely an aesthetic choice, but a powerful symbol that represents his relationships, sins, and the complex world of The Seven Deadly Sins. The tattoo, prominently displayed on Meliodas’ upper arm or shoulder, represents the deep bond between Meliodas and Elizabeth, their star-crossed love affair that transcends time and obstacles. It serves as a physical manifestation of their connection and the enduring love they share.

As the main protagonist of the series, Meliodas is associated with the sin of Wrath and has committed other sins such as Lust, Gluttony, Vanity, and Envy. His tattoo serves as a reflection of these sins, symbolizing his complicated nature and the internal struggles he faces. It is a constant reminder of his past and the challenges he must overcome.

While Meliodas may not always be seen as a trustworthy person, his tattoo also represents his deep care and loyalty towards those around him. Despite his flaws, he is willing to put his life on the line to protect his friends and loved ones. This duality is reflected in the intricate design of his tattoo, showcasing the complexity of his character and the choices he must make.

In The Seven Deadly Sins, tattoos hold symbolic meanings for other characters as well. Elizabeth and the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins each have their own tattoos that reflect their individual roles and personalities within the series. These tattoos can be portrayed in various artistic styles, ranging from black and gray to full color, realism, and simplified designs. Among these tattoos, the Dragon’s Sin of Wrath symbol, which Meliodas bears, has become a popular choice for fans of the series to get as tattoos.

In conclusion, Meliodas’ tattoo is a powerful symbol that goes beyond its aesthetic appeal. It represents his deep connections, his sins, and the intricate world of The Seven Deadly Sins. It is a visual testament to the complexity of his character and the challenges he faces. And ultimately, it serves as a powerful reminder that even in a world filled with sins, there is still hope for redemption and love.


What is the significance of Meliodas’ tattoo?

Meliodas’ tattoo represents the bond between him and Elizabeth, symbolizing their star-crossed love affair.

Where is Meliodas’ tattoo located?

Meliodas’ tattoo is often depicted on his upper arm or shoulder.

What sins is Meliodas associated with?

Meliodas is associated with the sin of Wrath and has committed sins such as Lust, Gluttony, Vanity, and Envy.

What is the future of Meliodas and Elizabeth’s relationship?

The future of Meliodas and Elizabeth’s relationship is uncertain as they continue to face many obstacles.

Is Meliodas a trustworthy person?

Meliodas is not always a trustworthy person, but he cares deeply for those around him.

Do other characters in The Seven Deadly Sins have tattoos?

Yes, other characters in the series also have tattoos that hold symbolic meanings.

What are the different styles in which Meliodas’ tattoo can be portrayed?

Meliodas’ tattoo can be portrayed in various styles including black and gray, full color, realism, and simplified designs.

What is the popular choice for tattoos among fans?

The Dragon’s Sin of Wrath symbol, which Meliodas bears, is a popular choice for tattoos among fans.


